Messages from Beyond, The First Book starts with the first night prior to the passing at home of the author's wife. Breast cancer had taken its toll after 48 years of marriage. Overnight and next morning he received the first signals that Alma was still with him. From there on it's like a running diary of communications with Alma, angels, archangels, Jesus and even a friendly spaceman. These messages will inspire, comfort and deeply enlighten the reader. It will help you understand this mysterious universe and give you a better idea of what life, and death of the physical body, are all about. Near the end there is a profound message from Jesus. The Second Book is a continuation of The First Book; but it goes considerably beyond the first book. It takes the reader to higher levels to include ancient Greek philosophers, Egypt's Ramses II and Atlantis. There are fascinating travels in meditation to planets in the outer reaches of the Milky Way, and to planets of universes in other dimensions. It concludes with a welcome of the author and his wife, by Jesus, to the entrance to the Kingdom of God. It's an excellent book for the new millennium. |